Autochartist expands marketing automation with integration into Marketo

Autochartist, a global leader in trading solutions, automated content and technical analysis, is proud to announce its latest integration offering for brokers. Marketo, a comprehensive marketing automation platform known for its advanced capabilities, is a popular choice among online brokerage firms.

Autochartist maintains a solid reputation for offering its services across the most-used platforms around the world and already integrates content into major platforms such as Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Sendy, Sendgrid, Silverpop, Solitics, Amazon SES, Constant Contact, Emarsys, Mailchimp, Mailgun, Active Campaign,, and Hubspot.

This latest integration with Marketo offers a range of benefits. It facilitates the daily dispatch of market reports during the three principal trading sessions, providing traders with timely and relevant information. The integration can also be customised to meet most brokers’ specific needs, enhancing the flexibility and adaptability of your trading operations.

Autochartist remains dedicated to helping brokers build a proactive and client-centred communication strategy. Our integration with Marketo is a testament to this commitment. By leveraging the technology, brokers can tailor communications, resonating with traders’ needs for tangible value. This aligns perfectly with Autochartist’s mission to provide high-value, high-open rate alerts and notifications that traders worldwide incorporate into their trading plans.

Discover how Autochartist’s innovative email integration services can transform your client engagement and retention strategies. To learn more about these features, schedule a demo or consultation with our sales team at today.


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Autochartist, a global leader in trading solutions, automated content and technical analysis, is proud to announce its latest integration offering

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